Essential for a brew, these 330ml mugs are available in various designs. Choose from Bella the Berlingo black mug or white HubNut (text colour may vary).
Still not enough? We now have EXTRA LARGE mugs available! See related items.
The design should be good for 1500 dishwasher cycles, but no-one really cleans their mug that often do they? Tea stains only add to the flavour. They can apparently be used for coffee, but this has not been tested.
The 2cv mug arrived safely this morning .a nice cup of Yorkshire tea is essential whilst watching mr hub nut do a spot of tinkering .love the cup and .the channel is brill and compulsive viewing ..
Posted by Alan on 02 July 2020My twc mug arrived after a couple of days and I was very impressed with the quality.
Posted by Chris Newey on 22 October 2018Tea bag at the ready
Posted by Paul on 20 June 2020my order arrived and I am very pleased with everything, I am gently breaking in my mugs with tea first before testing with coffee. I hope they survive! thanks for the great products. Danny from Oklahoma
Posted by Danny Coffey on 17 March 2019Loved my mug. It even survived 3 miles on the front wing of the work landrover (and 2 roundabouts) before it met its fete. So will be ordering another shortly!
Posted by James on 25 October 2020Great mugs (Less is more and ellieversary). Now I can watch your videos sipping on a cup of tea (or coffee) and prove that less is more .
Posted by William Tether on 24 December 2020what more can i say i like it lol
Posted by nigel on 28 March 2019bought a bog standard white mug and a betty mug. very impressed. much use for all liquids. not just tea. sadly royal mail broke the white mug in transit. ( other vans are available). mk2 white mug survived intact.
Posted by paul kirby on 20 June 2020My luvly Hub Nut mug (in black) arrived promptly, and is currently undergoing extensive testing with copious quantities of tea.....
Posted by Philip Bunker on 06 June 2019My twc mug arrived after a couple of days and I was very impressed with the quality.
Posted by Chris Newey on 22 October 2018My twc mug arrived after a couple of days and I was very impressed with the quality.
Posted by Chris Newey on 22 October 2018I now have a HubNut mug and I'm not afraid to use it! It's awesome, it gives me even more reason to flick the kettle on when I should be getting work done. Life's good.
Posted by Stagman on 15 October 2019My twc mug arrived after a couple of days and I was very impressed with the quality.
Posted by Chris Newey on 22 October 2018Having a small collection the hubnut mugs Three in total large white two black mugs . Great quality well made and well used, even the tea taqsts better and a few bicccies, well worth buying ,Neil
Posted by Neil Rose on 12 October 2021My twc mug arrived after a couple of days and I was very impressed with the quality.
Posted by Chris Newey on 22 October 2018HubNut mugs are so well loved by HubNutters, and need no explanation why! That being said, here's my positive review. I have had a Betty mug and Power Less Is More for a long while now and can confirm the following things: 1- they do survive the dishwasher perfectly well; 2- they are suitable for coffee, even from one of those fancy Dolce Gusto coffee machines (in fact they're the ideal size for Dulce Gusto coffees); 3- hot diluting juice is also a possibility (I sometimes have this when I have a cold); 4- on that note, cold remedies work as well (eg Lemsip, other brands available); 5- perfect for drinking your chosen hot beverage while you tinker. I am buying my third of these mugs today, a Triangle of Doom one.
Posted by Chris Turner (teribus13) on 12 December 2022My twc mug arrived after a couple of days and I was very impressed with the quality.
Posted by Chris Newey on 22 October 2018My mug and sticker arrived today. The mug holds tea in a most impressive way and my rover looks handsome with its new hub nut sticker.
Posted by Dave on 07 September 2020